21 Days of
Prayer & Fasting
January 6th – 26th
There is no better way to start a new year than by intentionally drawing closer to God and seeking His guidance for our lives. Join us for 21 days of prayer and fasting as we disconnect from the things of this world and connect to God.
As followers of Jesus, we grow closer to Him as we block out the world’s noise. Blocking out daily distractions by doing as Jesus called us to do in Luke 9:23 allows us to truly focus on Him and what He may ask of us. “And He said to all, “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me.” By taking up our cross daily, we put down things that might interfere and distract us from spending time with Him and hearing Him so that we may follow where He leads us. In this generation, it’s so easy to get distracted. From work to school, kids, social media, stress, relationship problems, or what may pop up throughout our day – it can be overwhelming and take control of our thoughts and our time.
From January 6th to 26th, we will silence the noise of the world and set aside distractions that keep us from seeking Him first and picking up our cross. We do not lose something when we fast; we gain something: A deeper relationship with Jesus!
Fasting isn’t just about taking something away from our lives. When we fast from things that distract us in our walk with Jesus, we fill that time and space with prayer, ultimately bringing us closer to Him.
Before you begin your journey of 21 days of prayer and fasting, commit to a fast and stay determined. Preparation is critical, and it is most effective if you choose one thing to fast from and stick with it!
The Food Fast: Intermittent fasting, only one meal per day, fruits and vegetables only, or traditional fasting (only eating sun up to sun down, Monday- Friday) are many ways to follow a food fast.
The Social Media Fast: Delete those apps off your phone. Social media can be a massive distraction in spending time with Jesus.
The Television Fast: Imagine what God can do when you use your TV time to spend with Him.
Scripture References for Fasting:
We believe Jesus wants to do something incredible for our kids and students during this time of prayer and fasting, just like He will for adults. When we teach the next generation and allow them to participate, they grow in their personal relationships with Jesus.
During our 21 days of prayer and fasting, we want to come together as a family by submitting and praying for one another’s requests. Fill out the form below. Once your prayer request is received, we will share it according to your instructions. Feel free to submit as many prayer requests as you like!
When inputting your prayer request please be sure to fill out all of the below fields. We will be praying for you.
I place the burdens and struggles in life in God's hand. Have faith in my Lord and Savior that are meant to be... And, I continue to grow spiritually and walk through life with God. Allowing myself, my family, my friends, my church, and world to be better. I ask that my heart stays full throughout the entire week and not just on Sundays. Amen
Restore a loved one’s heart to the Lord - for him to let go of distractions and temptations pulling him from the Lord, for the Lord to open his eyes, and for him to be obedient and seek the Lord with his whole heart.
For our nation to have revival and reformation that lasts for generations.
Pray for Erin that her sight be restored! Tom Sr that his mind be clear (dementia)!
Thank you
Prayer for the nations and my family to walk in the heart of salvation and accept Christ as their Lord and Savior. My family members names are Lee, Lisa, Hannah, Samuel, James, Karen, Danny, Debbie, Patrick, Odean, and Omar.
Prayer that Exodus 34:23 would be a regular occurrence/gathering for the men (males) of Lighthouse Church and worldwide. Belly-to-belly like in the days of old, not obscured behind screens of tablets and cell phones, but face-to-face, where truth in ones eyes is evident and accountability can be birth.
Society is aching for Godly men (males), who will bodly and consistently walk out the Word of God before their families and friends, in the workplace, at play and especially in the corner-in the dark-in the back (our God, who doesn't sleep nor slumber, sees it all, at all times - ).
Pray that the men (males) who call on the name of Jesus, will desire the sincere milk of the Word of God and will humble themselves in submission and obedience to God's will, His way and on to maturity -
After years of infertility and a traumatic pregnancy loss, praying that God blesses us with children and a growing family
Please pray for my strength as my significant other faces his long term addiction and that my eyes stay fixed on God and his plan for our lives together. Please pray for his strength to face his issues and fix his heart on Jesus.
Salvation and restoration for my family. Shawn, Paul, Michael, Andrea, Katherine, Michelle, Felicia, Dakota, Dallas and Tabitha.